Bus Pass Replacement Form
Student Busing ID number: *
Bus Number: *
Student Name: *
Email: *
Street Address: *
Apt/Suite #:
City: *
Province: *
Postal Code: *
Please note that processing time is 5 business days after receipt of the bus pass replacement request along with the processing fee of $25.

Parent/Guardian Signature:______________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________________________________________________

Please send an E-transfer for $25 to finance@bustoschool.com and indicate the Student Busing ID # in the comment section of the E-transfer payment. If a security question is entered, please e-mail the security answer to admin@bustoschool.com.
After submitting form online, you will receive email confirmation, please print, sign & date the bus pass replacement form attached. And E-mail the signed bus pass replacement form to admin@bustoschool.com.